Friday, March 27, 2009

This Week in Dijon - Week 7


I know its been like over a week since i last psted but ive been prety busy. Well not really but it seems like everyday after school Nathans mom has to go to the store. So its been a common thing this week to not get home from school until after 7. Update on last weekend, stayed home for most of it. Sunday was mom's birthday, so happy belated birthday mom. Also on sunday me and Nathan went karting. It was so fun, probably the most fun ive hadsince I got here. Even better was that Nathan sucked at it and was scared to go too fast and hit the wall so i lapped him like 3 times in 10 minutes. They were super fast karts too so it was so fun. So that was my weekend, exciting. Didnt really do anything during theweek because of school but Tuesday i had the afternoon off so i took the bus for the first time and went and got a haircut. The but was easy to figure out because all the bus stops are named and there is a screen in the bus and it tells you what the next stop is, made it much easier. After the haircut i went to the mall for like 5 hours. I thought it would take me longer to get there than it did so i hadto sit aroun for 5 hours with limited funds. Wednesday was another one of the Canadians birthday so we went out for lunch. It was supposed to be a shiskabob place so i ordered one with pork and BBQ sauce. When it came it was a half-rack of ribs on a skewer with BBQ sauce on them. I was so excited, they were so good too, probably almost the best ive ever had, i was very impressed. After lunch it started to rain though so we all went home. Earlier that day at school in english class I questioned one of the teachers answers to one of the blanks on the sheet and she wasnt happy and insisted that i was the one who was wrong when clearly i was right. Later in the class she was talking about verb tenses and another Canadian turned to me and was like "I dont know the verb tnses in english," so i said that i dont either and the teacher flipped out and sarted ranting about how we always try to correct her and always have comments after every answer she says. then shes like if you dont like it then you can just leave. I almost started laughing and just said okay really sarasticly. I thought that was the point of putting us in the english class, to help out the teacher and students with english. But whatever. That was the only exciting thing that happened at school this week. As of now, I have less than a month left here. The french is getting better but still isnt that great.

I got a little story here. So last friday im at a bank machine getting money out and someone comes by and coughs inmy ear.It wasnt a real cough though, it was one of those fake ones. So i turn around and theres this black dude standing there. He kinda scared me, but then he started talking to me in french so i pulled the good old I dont speak french trick. Then he starts speaking english to me but with a Jamaican accent. Every sentance had the word "man" in it. In the middle of this i thought he was going to steal my money so i quickly put it in my pocket. He started asking me where i was from and i said Canada and hes like oh yeah what part. So i said the west and he replies, "whats that like Toronto." Haha, im like no Vancouver. He asked what i was doing here and i said an exchange and told him how it worked and hes like "oh really man, you can do that, its possible?" This dude had to have been pushing 30 an he is talking to me like we are friends. told me his name was Freeman haha what a good name. Anyways, thats it.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Time Flys


Thes weeks are just gong by so fast. It feels like just yesterday it was monday. Helene put some parental controls crap on the computer so i cant remember when i last posted an entry. It won't let me see my old entries or anything. Cant even listen to music on the internet anymore. Makes it kind of hard sometimes but thank god facebook isnt blocked. So to finish off last weekend we went to some picture show. Its here a bunch of photographers come and display their pictures. They were all animal nd nature pictures. I actually found it pretty interesting but after a while it got a bit boring. Monday went by quite fast and all i did was really go to school for a bit and go to a friends when i didnt have class. Tuesday was a busy day, i worked on my foods project in histry and french class, then i went to the library after lunch and wrote notes on all the other topics i have to write about in my report. Should be pretty easy to finish that off now. Wednesday was easy because i only had one class and then i figure out that i didnt have school today because the teachers were going to be absent. Here, when the teachers are absent, they just dont go to that class. They dont even find a substitute teacher or anything. Only have one class tomorrow then its another weekend.

I love it when people ask dumb questions. Sometimes it pisses me off but you just have to laugh. This week Mrs Blanchard asked me if i had everheard of a strawberry, or a grape. I just laughed at her because that is the stupidest question. Today Helene askd me if i had ever heard of cranberries, and yesterday when i asked for another piece of lasagna she was surprised because she thought i had never eaten it before and thought i wouldnt like it. I love lasagna. So a while ago we had thi weird thing for lunch and i didnt want to ask what it was or i probably wouldnt have eaten it. It wasnt too bad but kinda weird tasting. This week i was reading in my foods booklet and i found what they said it was after, Foie Gras, it's goose liver. I cant believe i ate that. So today i go for lunch at the grandmas house, guess whats first on the menu! I passed on it this time. Hear the weather back home hasnt been the greatest. Im sure you'll be glad to hear that is has been sunny for a full week here now. Great weather and hot too. The last 2 days i have been wearing shorts. Yesterday me and some other exchange students, 2 from Canada and 2 from Austria, went to the park and sat on the grass for a couple hours. It was quite nice.

Hope all is well.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Almost half way


Havent really done much the past week, last weekend was my rest weekend from vacation so i just caught up on some sleep seeing as i had a whole week of school ahead of me. Mom wanted me to try and get up for school every morning even if i didnt have school in the morning so i tried my harest to do that. I did for the first 4 days until yesterday because i didnt have school until 1:45 so i slept in a little bit. It was really hard waking up before 7 then going to school and just sitting at a table and doing nothing. I felt kinda like a loner because most of the other Canadians are in the same class as me so if i was there in the morning they wernt s i would just sit by myslf and listen to music or something. I think you get more tired if you arent doing anything than if you are doing something. But anyways on wednesday afternoon i wa just so tired, i came back home and just slept. Nathan had to do some 4 hour test, it was one of those ones that is optional and you dont really have to do it but he is an eager beaver so he was one of onl 20 kids in the region to do it. So he wasnt home and i came home had lunch then fell asleep from 1 to 7:30. I really needed it too because its so hard to stay up until like after 11 then wake up before 7. They are starting to tell me that they are worrying about me becase i am always tired at dinner time and i dont eat much and stuff but its just because we wake up before 7 and dinner isnt until usually around 10 at night. Ill figure it out soon enough, I just cant believe the little 5 year old is up the same hours as we are. I think when i was 5 i sure wasnt staying up until midnight. Thursday i went to a friends and watched tv for a few hours because i didnt have class in the afternoon. The tv here is so dumb, you can hear the people talking english but then the translator talks over them, sometimes its funny because if you can understand, the translator translates the words differently in french than they are said in english. Bought some shoes thursday as well, they dont have the pointed toes but they are still european looking. Last night we went out fo dinner with an Austrian exchange student and then we went to a neat little club. He stays at the dorms in the school though so hedidnt really know when he was supposed to be home and they called him at like 10 and told him that he had 10 mnutes to be back at the school and the school was a good 20 or so minutes from where we were so i dont know how that ended up. Early night last night so we were home by midnight. For the first time ever i was up before Nathan today so thats exciting.

The english teacher still bugs me. She keeps correcting people wrong and if i tell her that its wrong she just tells me that im wrong so i just sorta gave up. I just tell the pople who said it right that it was right and not to listen to what she told you haha. She made up a new word as well. Homelesses. She insists that it is a word and that i must just speak a different english. I just laughed, a french person who's first language is french telling a Canadian who's first lanuage is english that i speak a different english. hmm...well i did my reaserch and figured out that it isnt a word. On the bright side she got some new glasses i think. Thank god, i coulnt take her seriously with those big ones.

PS: Mom and Mrs. S, my english assignments arnt scanning right, they have 2 computers and the one with the scanner doesnt have internet so i have to scan then put it on a memory card thing and then put them on this computer but they wont transfer to the memory card. Ill do my best to get it fixed.


Saturday, March 7, 2009



Holly crap i thought id never get on the computer again, Nathan has been on since before i woke up and it is now after midnight, what the heck could you possibly have to do that takes the whole day. Anyways, about the vacation. As i said in my last entry we were going to leave at 1 but it probably would be later. I guessed 2 and Nathan said 5, so he went to bed and i stayed awake thinking we were leaving at 1...We left at 4:30. Their car is quite uncomfortable so it was hard to sleep and once we got to the south we didnt even drop the stuff off before exploring. I was not a happy camper because my hair was all messed up and i was pretty tired and to top it all off i left my camera and wallet in my bag which was at the bottom of the mountain better known as the trunk. So no pictures for me on the first day, which was actually sunny and quite warm, little did i know that this would be the only day like this. So we explored Nice the first day, it was a really cool city and i really enjoyed it. Met Nathans aunt from Italy, nice lady. The place we stayed was in the middle of nowhere but it was alright. Went to a little village called Eze the next day and toured around a perfume factory, it was pretty neat. That night we went backto Nice because it was the last day of the winter carnival and they had fireworks and they burned the king of carnival and everyone had that silly string crap that sticks to you. The next day was Monaco, its like an independant city pretty much between France and Italy. We went to this cool aquarium there and there was a museum and stuff too but the museum was lame. The next day was actually not too bad weather wise, it didnt rain but it wasnt the hottest day either. I thougt we were going to Cannes but we just drove right through it and went to this little village called Biot. There was a glass making factory and museum there, it was cool to watch the guys make the lass but other than that, that was a dissapointing day. I really wanted to see Cannes but i guess that will have to be anther time. The next day it poured rain, and i mean poured, it rained all day and night it was crazy. We still went out to Saint Tropez and Hélène, the brilliant person she is decides that today when its pourin rain out w are going to walk around town instead of yesterday when it was nice. Yeah, good idea...Not. So what i was getting at was i was soaked and that was it for the day. The last day we went to Marsaille, and other than the delishious lunch, i was not impressed. It was unbelievably windy so you could barely walk and the city itself was dirty and stinky. In a way it reminded me of Asia. The next day, on the way home someone decided to take the scenic route to see some friends that wernt even home. Well duh they arnt home, its like the midle of the day on Friday, people have jobs. so instead of the usual 6 hours, it took us 9 and a half to get home.

In other news, towards the end of the trip i started getting in some arguments with Nathans mom, i know im right in the arguments but she just doesnt see the realistic side of the coin. She tried to tell me that it was dangerous to other guests if i used a cover on the bed that was already provided. Haha, thats the first tie ive ever heard someone say that. Enough with that now, I watched TV for the first time in like 3 weeks. Wasnt very good TV though, just a bunch of stupid game shows that are just terrible in comparison to the ones we watch. There was some sports, if youd call it that. Handball, oh yes. Very intense sport, theres even a champions league of handball, and biathalon. Like come on, i want to watch some real sports. Back to school on monday, imlooking forward to it because the weeks go by faster when we are at school. As for the french, im picking up a lot of it, I cant speak yet, but i can understand a lot more. Ill keep woring on it.

Bye for now.