Saturday, March 14, 2009

Almost half way


Havent really done much the past week, last weekend was my rest weekend from vacation so i just caught up on some sleep seeing as i had a whole week of school ahead of me. Mom wanted me to try and get up for school every morning even if i didnt have school in the morning so i tried my harest to do that. I did for the first 4 days until yesterday because i didnt have school until 1:45 so i slept in a little bit. It was really hard waking up before 7 then going to school and just sitting at a table and doing nothing. I felt kinda like a loner because most of the other Canadians are in the same class as me so if i was there in the morning they wernt s i would just sit by myslf and listen to music or something. I think you get more tired if you arent doing anything than if you are doing something. But anyways on wednesday afternoon i wa just so tired, i came back home and just slept. Nathan had to do some 4 hour test, it was one of those ones that is optional and you dont really have to do it but he is an eager beaver so he was one of onl 20 kids in the region to do it. So he wasnt home and i came home had lunch then fell asleep from 1 to 7:30. I really needed it too because its so hard to stay up until like after 11 then wake up before 7. They are starting to tell me that they are worrying about me becase i am always tired at dinner time and i dont eat much and stuff but its just because we wake up before 7 and dinner isnt until usually around 10 at night. Ill figure it out soon enough, I just cant believe the little 5 year old is up the same hours as we are. I think when i was 5 i sure wasnt staying up until midnight. Thursday i went to a friends and watched tv for a few hours because i didnt have class in the afternoon. The tv here is so dumb, you can hear the people talking english but then the translator talks over them, sometimes its funny because if you can understand, the translator translates the words differently in french than they are said in english. Bought some shoes thursday as well, they dont have the pointed toes but they are still european looking. Last night we went out fo dinner with an Austrian exchange student and then we went to a neat little club. He stays at the dorms in the school though so hedidnt really know when he was supposed to be home and they called him at like 10 and told him that he had 10 mnutes to be back at the school and the school was a good 20 or so minutes from where we were so i dont know how that ended up. Early night last night so we were home by midnight. For the first time ever i was up before Nathan today so thats exciting.

The english teacher still bugs me. She keeps correcting people wrong and if i tell her that its wrong she just tells me that im wrong so i just sorta gave up. I just tell the pople who said it right that it was right and not to listen to what she told you haha. She made up a new word as well. Homelesses. She insists that it is a word and that i must just speak a different english. I just laughed, a french person who's first language is french telling a Canadian who's first lanuage is english that i speak a different english. hmm...well i did my reaserch and figured out that it isnt a word. On the bright side she got some new glasses i think. Thank god, i coulnt take her seriously with those big ones.

PS: Mom and Mrs. S, my english assignments arnt scanning right, they have 2 computers and the one with the scanner doesnt have internet so i have to scan then put it on a memory card thing and then put them on this computer but they wont transfer to the memory card. Ill do my best to get it fixed.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Guy, how are you doing in your French classes? Are you speaking French in your everyday conversations? We are in Mesa Arizona now and for the next two weeks. We are in Viewpoint the same resort as Aunty Bev. We will be heading home about March 30th. Hope you can almost read those breakfast cereal boxes by now. Love you lots. G & G L.
